Guide: How to Give Directions So Toddlers Listen the First Time Around!

It may sometimes feel like toddlers take our warnings as invitations Find out the ONE small change you can make to help your toddler follow directions. Here is a free guide how to help your toddler follow directions the first time around!

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Why Milestone Charts Aren’t Telling You the Full Story About Your Late Talker

Is your toddler a late talker? Milestone charts only tell part of the story! Before words come, key foundational skills need to develop. Learn the 10 essential pre-speech skills that set the stage for talking—and learn to help your child catch up! Curious about your child’s speech and language development and toddler milestones? This guide is for you!

#LateTalker #ToddlerSpeech #SpeechDelay #LanguageDevelopment #ParentingTip

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Introducing The Tiny Talker Playbook: The Course That Goes Beyond the Basics

Looking for easy, actionable, evidenced based strategies to help get your toddler talking? Then the tiny talker playbook is for you! This course teaches you the WHY and the HOW, leaving every parent feeling confident they understand speech development and how they can best support their child on their speech and language journey. Weather you are waiting to hear first words, or your child is a late talker with a speech delay, this course will teach you all you need to know!

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Is Your Child a Late Talker or Is It Childhood Apraxia of Speech?

Children with Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS) are often misdiagnosed as late talkers, but there are important differences between these two common speech disorders. Discover what late talking and apraxia of speech have in common, how they differ, and why an accurate diagnosis is crucial for your child's development. At SpeechRise, we specialize in home-based speech therapy for toddlers, helping you determine whether your child is simply a late talker or if there’s a more complex issue at play. Let us help you unlock your child’s full communication potential.

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Nicole Dobranski
Navigating Toddler Tantrums and Understanding How They Are Related to Speech Development

This blog post will help all parents to better understand why tantrums occur and strategies that can be used to help their child navigate tantrums. Speech delay in toddlers are associated with more intense and more frequent tantrums. If you're concerned about your little ones speech development, read here and contact us today

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