From First Birthdays to First Words: What Parents Need To Know About Baby's Speech Development

As a mom, I will tell you—making it to my son’s first birthday felt like a major milestone for my husband and me. As a first-time mom, that first year of parenthood was full of so many moments to learn from. Whether they were happy moments, sad moments, scary moments, or coffee-fueled, exhausted moments, looking back on that first year sometimes feels like a blur.

When did he start sleeping through the night?

When did we move from three naps to two?

What was the first puréed food we fed him?

I wrote down as many memories as I could during that first year, but one that I can recall without even looking at my journal is hearing my son say his first words… and yes, it was “Dada”!

As a speech pathologist specializing in infants and toddlers, I spent most of that first year doing exactly what I would with any infant client—working on the prelinguistic skills needed before a baby can say their first words. Did you know there are ten skills a baby must master before they start verbally communicating? Most parents never hear about these from their pediatricians, which is why I created a free resource just for parents: The Magic 5: Five Essential Skills That Come Before Words.

Now, I know what you might be thinking… “Didn’t she just say there are TEN skills needed?” And you’re right! This freebie dives into five of the most essential skills I targeted with my son—ones you can start using with your little one right away.

Want to set your baby up for success with their first words? Download your free copy of The Magic 5 and start implementing these strategies today! And if you find it helpful, let me know—I’d love to share the rest of the skills with you so we can get your little one talking!

Nicole Dobranski