Feeding Evaluation

A feeding evaluation will be conducted for picky eaters/problem feeders within the home setting. This will allow the child to be in his or her most comfortable setting at time of assessment. The goal of at home feeding therapy is to engage the child in their most natural setting for optimal carry over and generalization of skill.

During a feeding assessment, the clinician will work with you to understand where your child is at baseline. A food inventory will be taken and discussed with caregivers. The clinician will assess your child’s oral motor abilities as well as your child’s sensory reactions toward a variety of preferred, non preferred and novel foods.

Feeding Therapy

At SpeechRise, we utilize the Sequential Oral Sensory (SOS) approach to feeding therapy. This approach has been clinically backed for over 30 years with consistent evidence that through play, children can expand their food repertoire and learn how to consume a variety of food consistencies and textures.

This approach uses a hierarchy to eating incorporating all of our senses. Your child will learn to interact with foods via sight, touch, smell, taste, and sound (think of those crunchy pretzels!). Through play, we will help desensatize your child to eliminate those preconceived notions of non-preferred foods! Call us today for more information!

When to Schedule a Feeding Evaluation:

  1. You child dictates the meal for the family based on their limited variety of accepted foods

  2. Your child will refuse certain foods based on consistency, texture, or sensory components

  3. Your child refuses to interact with a variety of foods (fruits, vegetables)

  4. Your child presents with rigidity surrounding food (accepts only 1 type of Mac & cheese)

  5. Your child’s meal time behaviors make it challenging to eat outside of the home

  6. Your child refuses once accepted foods

  7. Your child exhibits visceral reactions to foods (gagging, vomiting)

  8. Your child is resistant to explore unknown foods

  9. Your child takes a prolonged period of time to consume their meal

  10. Mealtime is causing the family stress and it is something you struggle with as a parent